Posted: Mar 25, 2025

Senior Geographic Information Systems Analyst

San Joaquin County OES - Stockton, CA
Salary: $8,052.00 - $9,788.00 Monthly
Application Deadline: N/A
  • Performs the full working range of journey-level professional support duties in developing, programming, testing, implementing and maintaining geographic information systems, networks and applications across multiple platforms.
  • Plans, develops and analyzes additions, changes and enhancements to geographic information systems network servers; installs and configures networked hardware and software; monitors network security and performance; identifies unauthorized access and potential security issues; implements strategy to enhance network security operations.
  • Plans, designs and implements relational databases; develops standards and strategies for maintaining database security; develops methodologies for importing and exporting GIS database information to and from external agencies and other County departments.
  • Performs database management and administration duties; manipulates relational database software; creates custom reports; creates and maintains user accounts; implements updates; performs daily backup duties.
  • Creates various maps, reports, charts and other materials from multiple layers of data; imports, updates and creates datasets; performs geospatial analysis; provides cartographic products.
  • Evaluates and tests new or enhanced geographic information system applications; installs or upgrades application software and hardware on personal computers; troubleshoots hardware, software and database related problems; performs applications testing and documentation duties.
  • Performs GIS applications programming duties; determines method of integrating new programming code into existing programs to meet user needs.
  • Installs, maintains and supports existing GIS applications; responds to client calls and requests for application programming modifications; codes, tests and de-bugs program modifications.
  • Writes documentation on new and enhanced application description and functional capabilities; prepares and updates user materials and procedures manuals; creates technical documentation and instructional materials to assist clients in the use of system applications.
  • Attends and participates in professional group meetings; stays abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of geographic information systems technology.